Ready to lead in today’s ever-changing diverse community and global market? Attend the ADVANCE!

The ADVANCE: A Cultural Competence Academy for Leaders, aims to engage a diverse cross-section of thought leaders from public, nonprofit and corporate sectors in rich discourse, curriculum and activities designed to position leaders to co-construct solutions and lead race relations, gender equity, sexual orientation, cultural competence, and inclusion culture change efforts. Participants will have an opportunity to:
- Discover ways to bridge race, cultural and systemic differences
- Understand pathways to achieving gender equality in the workplace and community
- Strengthen skills essential to fostering an inclusive culture where members work effectively across and leverage racial, gender, generational, nationality, religious, sexual orientation and other forms of identity differences
- Enhance self-management, interpersonal and cultural competence skills
- Learn how to effectively lead inclusion and culture transformation initiatives
- Improve ability to promote positive relations and effectively lead and provide services/products in today’s ever-changing diverse community and global market.